I long for a happy, balanced place to return to.
We're now expected to know everything or nothing, any one else finding it exhausting?
‘You don’t need to see the whole of the plate to know it’s a plate’ as my great tutor Marc Prüst shared during one of our visual identity classes over a decade ago. Oh yes, it’s stuck with me like glue.
Only seeing part of the plate allows our brain to complete the picture, to imagine, to be curious, to work. To do what it’s best at. And yet we’re more conscious than ever of eachother’s bandwidth. So I wonder, are we requiring less all round now?
With social media being a primary sharing space for many we are not only reducing our work but also ourselves via one another’s attention span with short, sharp messages.
We seem to be evolving to a place of infantizing our audiences assuming they know nothing and giving them everything, or on the flip side we are pushing anyone we aren’t keen on being around us by assuming they know everything. You know, the ‘club’ mentality.
It’s like we, the sharers, the educators, the influencers, those on the stage are in fact not the players but the directors. It makes me shudder a little but perhaps I am overthinking it … it’s both my weakness and strength.
What I yearn for my SPACE ‘A Love Affair with Light’, for my WORK, my images, my paintings, for my MESSAGE, my writings, my books, my journals, is to revive the curiosity in us all. I don’t want to educate you, I want to sow seeds in your mind. Your powerful beautiful mind. The one that has lived and experienced, the one which wakes up everyday ready to learn, feel and see. I yearn for us all to experience the world in it’s multi-dimensional, brightly coloured, joy, laughter, hardship and loss filled adventure. Right now, right where you are.
I never want to be elitist either. To make you feel like you don’t belong because you aren’t traditionally trained or aren’t a pro, whatever that truly means. You don’t have label yourself a creative or an artist to be here. An if I ever trip on that dip in the curb I’d love you to yell out.
It is my desire is for everyone to know that seeing beauty and living a creative life is within reach of us all and that it starts at home. Here is a painting by my five year old next to one of my image creations.
She didn’t set out to copy my work, she was inspired by the colours and with my help we made the connection. After all, art and creativity is often made in solitude however, it truly comes alive when experienced by other human beings.
It’s wonderful to have you here in this exciting space, in a love affair with light and on a journey of curiosity. I endeavour to show you only a part of the plate, I would love you to complete it and fill it with YOU, your essence and story.
By subscribing monthly or for the year, we can talk more, you will have access to inspiring posts, creative exercises, moments where I will talk about images and so much more. It’s an evolving journey with no set format, assumptions or expectations. It is and will always remain a happy, balanced place welcoming you, your voice and your art.
Lighting the way,
CW x
Chloe, thank you for reframing the plate. I feel in desperate need at the moment to see the whole plate. To know that each day the small pieces I contribute to the plate will infact end up being the whole plate, curiosity and I are firm friends in this plate situation and thank goodness for the guidance, enquiry and movement of curiosity.
Love Melinda