This February I’ve decided to start a new community challenge. A P52 of weekly prompts and focus resulting in a year documented, visual growth and beautiful discovery.
I ran my first community P52 back in Malaysia in 2012 and it was absolute magic for all those involved. I’ve run more since, some have worked better than others however, I am psyched about this one as I bring all I have within, all I am deeply passionate about - light and sharing that love with others - and the lessons I’ve learnt from other projects.
It will be shared right here through my Substack ‘A love affair with light’
Free subscribers, you will receive a light type to seek each week
Monthly and annual subscribers, you will receive a light type, a description of the light, some tips, interviews with fellow light seekers and articles.
This year the second issue of the For the Love of the Photograph Annual LANTERNS will be released. The focus will be around this project and I am delighted to announce that paid subscribers will have the opportunity to be featured.
All the light types have been created and scheduled, we begin this Thursday 1st February, are you in?
Let’s seek the beauty every day, together.
Creative Warrior x
I’m in! For some reason I have a lot more energy for going out when I have a project.
Really looking forward to this Chloe. Light feels in short demand in the UK some days so it will be good to have your inspiring words!